Tag: RPG
Is Oblivion Better Than Morrowind?
Which game is better? The old Morrowind, or the newer Oblivion? Now that they are on Game Pass we can compare the two and see how they ranl.
Is It Worth Playing Disgaea 1: Complete?
Disgaea 1 is a strategic JRPG. The combat takes place on a grid where characters can mover around and attack. But is it worth playing?
What Are The Reasons for Playing Final Fantasy X?
Final Fantasy X was released in the early 2000s. It was the first fully voice acted title of the series. It had me hooked from the first time I loaded the game.
Persona 3 Portable, Why it is a Fun Game?
Persona 3, developed by Atlus is a JRPG. It has a turn-based combat system during the night. During the day you spend your day socialising with other students.
Digimon World, and Why It’s Better Than Pokémon
Digimon World, released in 2001 in the PAL reason. Raise a Digimon to help save the File City. It features battles and no random encounters. And a unique story.