Tag: Gaming
The Truth About CRAFTOPIA In 3 Minutes
Craftopia is a Minecraft game which has brought its own spin on the genre. Far better in most respects and here is what I thought.
A New Cities Skylines Airport Expansion
Cities Skylines is getting another expansion pack. This time the focus is on the neglected airports. But will it be a needed distraction?
Should you Play Monster Hunter Rise?
A review on the latest mainstream edition of the Monster Hunter franchise. Rise which came out early 2021 and I’m not happy about it.
The Pains of Being a Gamer in the 21st Century
Gaming can be a great release from day-to-day struggles. A way to focus on a goal without distractions. While you’re hooked on a game, nothing else seems to matter. But gaming isn’t without its faults. Here are some things that gamers wished would not be an issue. One for the PC Gamers: Game Won’t Run…
Is Oblivion Better Than Morrowind?
Which game is better? The old Morrowind, or the newer Oblivion? Now that they are on Game Pass we can compare the two and see how they ranl.
Should You Play Halo 5 in 2023?
Halo 5: Guardians is a direct sequel to Halo 4. Follow both Master Chief and the team sent to retrieve him. But is the game an improvement on Halo 4?
Are You the World’s Best Prison Architect?
Prison Architect is a prison building game. You are tasked with building a new prison to suit the needs of the prisoners. But should you play it?
Is It Worth Playing Disgaea 1: Complete?
Disgaea 1 is a strategic JRPG. The combat takes place on a grid where characters can mover around and attack. But is it worth playing?
What Are The Reasons for Playing Final Fantasy X?
Final Fantasy X was released in the early 2000s. It was the first fully voice acted title of the series. It had me hooked from the first time I loaded the game.
Halo: The Best Order to Play
Halo Infinity has been released. But what order should you play the games. Listed below is the best order to play them in.